Effective Summer Health Care Tips for the Season

The scorching sun, rising temperatures, and heat waves add up to make this season unbearable. The weather has changed, and you need to put up with some changes too! The stifling heat can be overwhelming to manage and diabetes may put you at a higher risk for several summer-related health conditions such as rashes, dehydration, skin irritation, fever, etc.

To help you stay fit and active even under the stifling heat, we have enlisted some amazing summer health care tips that will work like a charm. Follow these tips every day, and we are sure summers will become a little more bearable for you!

Summer Health Care Tips
Stay Hydrated All Day, Everyday

Even though water is a necessity, no matter the season; during summers, it is of utmost importance that you consume more water than usual. If you are a diabetic, your vulnerability to feeling dehydrated increases. 3 to 4 litres of water is a must if you wish to stay hydrated all through the day. Even if you are stepping out, make sure you have had enough water. Always try to carry a bottle of water along with you when you go out so that if you feel dehydrated, you can have it. Especially for kids, it is very necessary to keep a water bottle with them because they step out during the peak hours from their schools.

Eat Light, Eat Healthy

During the summer days, you shouldn’t consume spicy foods as they can increase the heat in your body. Also, avoid overeating and consume smaller meals during the day frequently so that your body can easily digest the food, you don’t feel heavy, and you can sustain energy in your body for long. Heavy meals can increase the heat in your body. Avoid roadside food as it is not made of healthy ingredients and can be harmful to your health.

Try to consume seasonal fruits and vegetables with more water proportion, such as watermelon, oranges, tomatoes, melons, etc. Drinks that keep you hydrated should also be consumed during the day, such as:

  • Lime water
  • Coconut water
  • Herbal tea
  • Decaffeinated teas and coffee
  • Iced tea
  • Rooibos tea
  • Water with lemon and cucumber slices
  • Water with mint leaves
Lather Yourself in Sunscreen

Sunscreen is unavoidable in summers if you are going out during the day. If you have large glass windows in your home, you should try to wear sunscreen inside the house too. Wearing sunscreen protects your skin from the harmful radiations of the sun. The direct sun rays can make your skin prone to skin allergies, redness, rashes, sunburn, and even skin cancer. Not just your face, lather all your exposed areas with sunscreen lotion to avoid the harmful effects of the sun as you go out.

Don’t Let the Bugs Bug You

During the summer season, many insects and bugs can hover around, especially in public places. That is why, along with sunscreen, you must also try to wear insect repellent so that you don’t get bitten by a dangerous insect or mosquito. If you are applying both sunscreen and insect repellent, start with the sunscreen first.

Protect Your Eyes at All Costs

Your eyes can be gravely affected if they are exposed to direct sunlight. The UV, UVA, and UVB radiations of the sunlight can harm your eyes and make them red and watery. Thus, it is suggested that you wear sunglasses at all times if you are stepping out in the sun. You can also get a wide hat to protect your face and head from direct sunlight.

Avoid Stepping Out in the Sun at Peak Hours

If possible, stay indoors during the peak hours of the day, that is, from noon to 4 in the evening. This way, you can avoid being outside in the scorching heat when the temperature is at its maximum capacity. Plan your outdoor visits especially to the temple, either early in the morning or in the evening as walking barefoot in hot temperatures can cause foot sores.

Bath Once, & Then Bath Again

Unlike other seasons, you sweat way more in the summer season. Your skin becomes sticky and heated up because of the rising temperatures and humidity. So even if you take a bath in the morning, hit the bathroom once again before you hit the bed. This way, you can wash off the dirt on your body from roaming around all day and go to sleep all clean and tidy. However, make sure that you moisturize after taking a bath and pat yourself dry. Keep the skin between your toes dry.

Get Responsible Towards Alcohol Consumption

Staying hydrated during the summer season is very important. Alcoholic drinks can dehydrate your body very quickly, and that is why you should try to consume as little alcohol as possible. Not just alcoholic drinks, but any drink with caffeine can dehydrate your body very quickly, such as coffee, tea, soft drinks, etc. So, you must try and avoid all such drinks to ensure that your body stays hydrated for the longest time during the summer days.

Opt for Lighter Clothing

Wear clothes that are sweat absorbent and are made of lighter fabric. Cotton clothes are best for the summer season because they are very lightweight, absorb sweat easily, and feel soft on the skin. 


Just like your body, your skin demands extra attention during the summer season too. Make sure you moisturize your skin well to keep it hydrated. Cover your face as you step out to avoid direct sunlight.

Don’t skip on sunscreen EVER!

The Bottom Line

With that said, a new season demands new lifestyle changes as well to stay healthy and active. The season can be hard to cope with, especially for kids, because they usually go out to play or come back from school during the peak hours of the summer season. If you want to know more about what nutritional diet and supplements can help you and your family stay safe and fit during summers, you can get in touch with the health educators and coaches on the Diahome application.

Just download the Diahome app on your smartphone, and you can get in touch with the doctors and get a proper consultation right at your home without having to go out in the heat!


Mrs.Sripriya Ravi, M.Sc, Senior Dietitian
Miss. Priyadharshini  M.Sc, Dietitian